Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This stuff happens?

While it seems like our American heritage would scream for this recent action of the House of Representatives, how often do malicious attacks on our leaders get 'washed over'? I feel like saying to the House, "Thank you for being American"

House overwhelmingly condemns MoveOn ad

The House passed by a wide margin on Wednesday
a resolution that condemns an ad from liberal advocacy group
that referred to Gen. David Petraeus as “General Betray Us.”

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

In Remembrace of Friday

Take a look at this summary of the average Joe.
Working closely with many non-Christians on a daily basis, I have been able to observe closely an interesting religion to which my co-workers adhere. I speak, of course, of their complete and unending devotion to the god Friday. The day of worship for the barbarians is, as one would expect, the fifth day of the week, which I presume to be named after this god. The entire week of labor is done to the glory of
read more "Observations on a growing and influential cult" @ Immoderate

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